Sister Moore's Address

Sister Jackie Leeann Moore
California Riverside Mission
5900 Grand Ave
Riverside, CA 92504-1328
United States 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Anza and Idyllwild!

It is so crazy covering two branches! We can only go two times a month to Idyllwild because it is like a 45 min drive to get there and yeah..miles...haha but it turned out to be a great week!

Tuesday: This Tuesday was the first Tuesday that I didn't go to DDM! It was so weird! We only go down every other week so that we can save miles! and yeah :) have I told ya'll yet that we use a lot of miles! We saw a miracle this day! we talked to 16 people! That is the most I have talked to up here :D it was so great! and then we found hats in the closet at the end of the day :D pretty fun stuff!

Wednesday: This day was so cool! So our Branch Mission Leader set us up to teach the scouts so that they can get their faith in God award! so awesome! We weren't really sure what to teach, but we figured out that next week we will start with faith and help the kids really understand how to communicate with God :D It will be awesome! Oh and we get to do this every week until who knows how long! and after that we taught a Bible class. Which Consisted of us and and a member that only speaks Spanish :) it was great haha she read in Spanish and we read in English....yeah I might be able to understand a lot more when I am home...because I am getting a lot of practice!

Thursday: instead of planning on this day we went up to Idyllwild :) It is so beautiful! But people move up there to get away from people, so it is really hard to do missionary stuff! but we were able to meet with one investigator Karson! He is really sweet! The building is so little up there too :)

Friday: We planned....and then we tried a potential who told us to come back after she was off the phone, so we went and tried a couple of people and then went back, but she was still on the phone so we scheduled another appointment for Friday. after dinner we taught a member that had been out of town for a while! She is 70 and for her birthday her husband gave her a chainsaw! So funny I almost died! The husband used to live in Utah and knows where Hooper is :D it was pretty great :D

Sat: We had a Branch Fast for Missionary work! It was so great! awe :) But first during the day we taught Jim who just got baptized. He is so amazing! He was trying to tell a guy that lives in his same trailer park that Jesus is there for him, and that all he needs to do is pray. Then he stopped in the middle of his story and said, "I have really changed a lot sense you girls have been coming over, Thank you!" AWE :D We then asked if we could go over to see that guy and he said, "He isn't very nice to me or my friends. So I don't want to send you over there because you might get hurt." AWE JIM!!! So then We took a selfy :) after that we walked and tried a lot of people! luck...and then we went to the Pot luck to break our fast with everyone! It was so great! I love the people here!

Sunday: We chose to go to Idyllwild because the missionaries haven't been there in over a month! So we came and in the branch there was about 18 people including speakers and us! They were so excited to see us, and the Branch President seemed really excited that we were there! We are hopefully going to go up there more than what we have been because there are people up there being prepared! We came back down the mt. and tried many people, but not much luck...we ended up meeting with a resent convert named Lynn! She is so cute! She loves us coming over!

Well I love ya'll and hope you have a great week!

Hope you like the pictures!
Sister Moore :D

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