Sister Moore's Address

Sister Jackie Leeann Moore
California Riverside Mission
5900 Grand Ave
Riverside, CA 92504-1328
United States 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Hot, Humid, and Humbling

Wow what a week! I can't believe that June is pretty much over! wow!! Really It feels that it just started! It is not only Hot here, it is Humid! It is not as humid as Chicago....(sorry Blake and Alison) but by the end of the day I have a great sweat circle on my back :( that was probably TMI but oh well! My dad told me he wants to know what is going on haha :)

Tuesday: We had dinner with the Thompson Family. Sister Thompson cut my hair....yes I miss my long hair.....but it is so much cooler and makes biking easier! It will grow back in a year any way! We also got a bunch of new clothes! We had to carry big black garbage bags on our bikes! I am now PRO at riding bikes with no hands :) I can go up and down hills and even turn corners! Tuesday we had a meeting with missionaries! We learned about the importance of getting people to Church. It was so awesome! Church is so Important! In life we really just have to make it from Sunday to Sunday.

Wednesday: We went to go visit our older members....but no one was home....We visited with a less active, then ate dinner, then had a meeting with our bishop. I love meeting with him! He really cares about everyone in the ward!

Thursday: We had interviews with President Mullen! I love meeting with him! I learn so much and I know he prayers for me and my companion! It was just awesome. Then we went home visited with the older people that we missed yesterday. Oh our way we had a great idea! We called Elder Puskas (the guy in charge of cars for our mission) and asked him if we could have a car; however we would only need 200 miles a month! It gets so hot and there are so many hills! It is an all day trip to get to the top of our area! Seriously if you haven't Google Mapped it look up 1290 W. Ontario, Corona ( that is our Church and if you go straight south on oak you will eventually hit the end of our area!)

Friday: Saddest day/best day.....I lost my name tag.....the one I got from the MTC....I cried...those that have served missions understand.....I can order more and I have a spare....but was sad....Positive note!!!! We went on splits with members in our ward! I went and saw Sister Romero and we shared the Easter Video with her. She loved it and at the end our our visit She gave me a doll! She collects them and loves them to pieces! The dolls name is Amy. So sweet! That made my day!

Saturday: We moved people for six hours!!! I was so tired!!! We went to dinner taught our investigator Troy. We went over the ten commandments.

Sunday: BEST DAY EVER!!!! After Church we went on a Church tour with Troy and his aunt. We showed him the font and then went into the Chapel. We started talking about families and we had him read parts of The Family: A Proclamation to the World. We then talked about temples. Sister Springer shared a picture of her favorite temple and we talked about the importance of the temple. He just looked at the paper for a long time. He looked up and told us that he wanted to pray alone. We walked out, he prayed, and came out. Your could see in his face how much he knows and loves the Church! He also talked to us about serving a mission! I am so excited for him!!!

Monday: Today I had an amazing opportunity. We were sitting outside of Walmart and two deaf people walked by. I was too scared to talk to them....but when they came out Sister Springer encouraged me to go talk to them! So I

DID!!!! I was so nervous!! They weren't interested, but I did it :D It was awesome!!!!

I know that the Lord gives us trials to make us stronger! He never gives trials that we can't handle! I love being a missionary! Thank you so much for your love and support! I know that this is the best place for me to be right now! I love hearing from you as well! If I don't get back to you this week I am sorry! I am really trying! :) <3

Sister MOORE

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