Sister Moore's Address

Sister Jackie Leeann Moore
California Riverside Mission
5900 Grand Ave
Riverside, CA 92504-1328
United States 

Monday, July 4, 2016

HAPPY 4th of July!!! :D The fireworks are really for Fritz :)

What is this another week has come and gone....I feel like I can't remember anything right now :/ but today is a weird day. We can't go out and work all day....yeah it will be nice....but weird......we have our p-day in the morning and then we can't go out at night because of all the crazy drunk people! everyone else cleaned their apartment while we went to Riverside this morning to have breakfast with Sister Roberts :) one of my companions. I love her so much!!!! She is flying home today and I can't wait to see her and talk to her soon!!! <3

Tuesday: We had a very interesting day...We walking around in the morning because it gets way to hot later in the day and no one is outside to talk to in the afternoon because of the we went walking....and then we had ddm....and then we had a road trip to Riverside :) We got to drop off our car because Sister Pielstick decided to gently caress a pole :) so it had to get fixed. haha so we didn't have a car all week! I am so grateful that we have amazing members that are so willing to help us with the work! We have seen so many miracles!! awe :) So after Riverside we had our studies and then went to dinner :) then we tried a few people and we taught Fritz. <3 he is so prepared! we talked about the ten commandments. :) and about his baptism stuff :) because yeah that happened this week!! (I will talk about it later ;)

Wednesday: I am so grateful for Members that can help us out :) awe really it would have been impossible without them. Sister Mcknight dropped us off and we were laughing so hard at dumb jokes that she started to cry. It was so great! When she came to pick us up we told her something funny that happened while we were walking.... So Sister Pielstick and I when ever we go walking we always find washers on the side of the road. We found one today and we took a picture with it :) after I got my picture Sister Pielstick was posing for the picture. Right as she got into position the owner came out. HAHAAHAH it was so funny we started to walk away, but then Sister Pielstick started talking to him about how we had to take a picture with the washer. The guy laughed. We talked about how important it is to be there and help others in the community (don't remember how we got on that topic but yeah know) and he said, "yeah I left my washer out there for someone who needs it, or for someone to take a picture with." It was so funny!!! I almost died!!!!
    We picked up a new investigator named Hycient. He is from Nigeria and has only lived in the US for 8 months! Crazy!!! Sometimes it is hard for me to understand him....I have to really focus, listen, and the Lord takes care of the rest. He is so cool! Then we met up with our new Senior couple missionaries! They are working with all of the Less actives in Lake Elsinore stake, but first they are working with us. They came over so that we could help them understand records, and how to keep them, and how to do all of those things :) It was so great! I love them so much! They are on their mission for 24 months! So they will stay here for a while, and they can come out with us too :D I am so excited!!!

Thursday: the best thing last Sunday we passed around a sign up sheet so that the members in the ward could help us out because we don't have a car. two people signed up....(don't worry we had so many people help us last week it was so amazing....we just had to call them :) one person that signed up was Sister Gallegos. The lady was someone that we didn't we called her and we thought she moved in to the war. Come to find out She is visiting her cousin from Utah and she felt bad we didn't have a car!!! So she took an hour out of her vacation to come and help us. New goal in life: help the Missionaries when I am on vacation. We got in with our Investigator Marcus. He really wants to change, so we set some goals so that he can change. I can't wait to meet with him next week to see how he is doing. after that we had studies and lunch....then planning....then dinner at home because dinner canceled.....but its all good :) we had Sister Hughs come out with us! I love her! She just had a baby a few months ago and she is so funny! She came with us to teach Fritz :) He made us pizza, and then he made me sit in his was a massage was weird....but nice....but really weird....haha and then we tried a few people. We ended up talking for a long time and we were late to meet with the other Sister for exchanges :/ oops....

Friday: I spent the day with Sister Rodriguez in her new area!!!! It was so much fun!!! I loved being with her again, but it was weird not being in Anza :/ We did service in the morning...still painting baseballs....and I found paint in my hair this morning..... ooops :) then we tried a few people, got stuck in our day got delayed...and we studied....tried people....then we had dinner with a sweet lady that is a recent convert! She is so great! and then we tried more people....and walked....and then oh one funny experience: I had to back Sister Rod because she didn't make the U-turn all the way. and there were people outside working on their yard! They were nice, but didn't want us to come day their time will come :)

Saturday: We had a blitz (that is where all of the missionaries in the Stake came together and walked in one ward) and all together the elders had over 15 people they could come back! before we all started the blitz the elders said their goal was 9-12 new people. The power of setting goals, working hard to achieve them, and having faith is real! Take it to the Lord and Together you can make it happen. Then we went home...studied...then we went to a ward baptism and Fritz came. He loves baptisms. He was so excited for his own. after that we had dinner with the family and then we walked all night :) and kinda got stuck a little in the dark...but Sister Mcknight saved us and took us home :) it was good :) She is so funny!

Sunday: Was the day :D They day Fritz got baptized! He was so excited and awe :) He shared his testimony with us after he was baptized and he started to cry! It was so beautiful! The Relief Society room was full!!! it was so amazing!!! awe :) Then after the baptism we went to dinner with Fritz and Bishop's family. As we were walking up to the door I asked Fritz, "How do you feel?" and he said, "with my fingers."  haha it was so funny!! Then we ended up not eating dinner and going to a few people with Sister Osuna. She is so great! We met someone that speaks Spanish and she totally translated for us and invited the guy to watch the video! It was so cool! We had a really great week! I can't even handle how much the Lord loves us.....this week I have learned that Heavenly Father loves us all so much. He is so mindful of us and our trials in life, and He know exactly what we need. We were walking around late last night and we were taking a picture of Sister Pielstick next to a hippy sign :) and we met the owner of the house. Her boyfriend just passed away....they were engaged for a long was really sad....but she said we could come back! We share the video with her about how we will see our family members again!

I love the gospel!! SO much!!! I have seen it bless so many peoples lives!!!

I love you all so much and I hope you have the best week ever!

Sister Moore

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