Sister Moore's Address

Sister Jackie Leeann Moore
California Riverside Mission
5900 Grand Ave
Riverside, CA 92504-1328
United States 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Crazy Fun Week :)

rain day! 


Got stuck with the mail :) 

You are beautiful inside! AWE THANKS :D

Random Dryer :D haha 

Tangelo :) 

Girls on fire with the Book of Mormon!

So this week was the funnest week ever!! So eventful, so you might want to take some time reading this one :) and more pictures will be sent! I love you all and hope you have the best week ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISON AND RANDY!!!

Tuesday: Today was really exciting :) First big rain storm!!! It was so much fun to bundle up, grab our umbrellas and head out tracking for the very first time! Knocking door to door is crazy! It was so much fun :) I jumped in puddles and man it was so great :) I loved every minute of it! People were so nice, and we found a few investigators from it! We went tracting for 2 hrs in the rain and only one that let us in was this really nice family that didn't speak English :) so we sat and talked with them, and then they wanted to take our picture with their dog because the dog loved us so much! haha it was interesting trying to communicate, so we sent the information to the Spanish Elders haha :) later we found out that they said that they never talked with missionaries....dumb! any who after that we had a few lessons and then we had dinner and then Cara came out with us! She is a young woman in the ward and she is a life saver! She drove us....on the REZ :D Yes the Indian Reservation! We taught a less active member and she was so sweet! We hope that some day we will find investigators there!

Wednesday: RAIN RAIN RAIN!!! :D So much fun in the rain :D we went tracting again and still jumped in puddles :) good thing I have great rain boots :) Cara went out with us again and we taught Desirea. I love her! She is married to a less active member and she is just so chill! We talked with her for a while then we shared with her a video done by Uchdorf about our potential. It talks about a man that goes on a cruise ship :) watch it, it is good :) We talked about how we need to pray and ask God what we can do better, and what the next step is. Heavenly Father knows what we can become, but we need to ask him what we need to do. It was so great!

Thursday: There are so many random things happen in San Jacinto haha :) We ran and taught Kenny (an investigator) last min, but it went really great! He asked questions about how he could more effectively study. We told him to pray before reading. Then we went to get a frosty at Wendy's! Then we walked and bought some lemons and oranges :)

Friday: we road our bikes everywhere! We had a lesson set up with a part-member family and our bishop was coming, but that fell through and that is when we saw a dryer on the side of the road! haha so great! We went and visited a cute little lady name Sister Goodbaudy :) she is 91 years old! I love her! She gave us a tangelo :) They are really good :) haha then we were kinda stressed because we didnt have a ride to our car, so we called our ward mission leader Bro. Stegeman. and he had to make a trip to the store for dog food before he could drop us off. so when we got to the was a TRACTOR STORE!!! awe it was amazing!!! I didn't buy anything, but it was still fun to go in! haha oh yeah and the best part of the day....before we left for the apartment I put all of our letters in the door so that we wouldn't forget to mail them. When it was time to get leave we were stuck in our apartment HAHAH!! I was laughing so hard! Sister Pielstick was not very pleased with me :) haha it was so funny! Then we also taught a powerful lesson with new investigators named Royce and Natasha. Man that was so great! But they didn't come to church.

Saturday: We taught a group lesson with Cody and our District Leader. It went so great! Cody has special needs and we were really nervous that he would have to be interviewed by our mission president! But during the interview it went so great! Our district leader is the best! we also had dinner with the Jordan's and that was so great! We went and taught a less active family then they drove us to Bro. Stegeman's. and then Sister Greenman came and picked us up. It was crazy night! We were waiting outside for Sister Greenman and we didn't want Bro. Stegeman to find out, so we walked down the street and waited for Sister Greenman, but she came a different way! So we ran to her car and yelled saying don't knock on Bro Stegemans door! Because he would have been so upset! and we barely made it! So close! I poured water all down my arm and I almost lost my shoe and it was so funny! I was dying!

Sunday: We met with a 7th day Advents and he was being very stubborn....we gave him a Book of Mormon and he said he would read it! We will see where it goes. He also fed us pizza! Then we had took a little long, but it was great! Then Sister Dubski came out with us! She was so nervous to come out with us! But she loved it in the end :) Then we had to practice singing in our little choir for Elder Hamula of the Seventy who came Monday!

Monday: We met with Elder Hamula from 8:30-4:00 :) it was so long, but so great! It really helped me focus on my purpose as a missionary, and how I constantly need to repent and turn toward Christ! I know that I make so many mistakes, and there are things that I need to change. Repentance is not this great moment in time that only happens once. It happens every day! Elder Hamula said that we all need let go and turn towards Christ. As long as we are working towards repentance we are repenting. There is so much more I wish I had time to share will you all, but time is short. In the end I want to leave with you my testimony of how our Savior was sent here so that when we go see our Heavenly Father we can stay with Him! I love being a missionary and I can't wait to see how next week will be :)

I love you all and I hope that you all have a great week!

Sister Moore

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