Sister Moore's Address

Sister Jackie Leeann Moore
California Riverside Mission
5900 Grand Ave
Riverside, CA 92504-1328
United States 

Monday, July 27, 2015

BAM!!!! 20 hours of walking :)

We totally learned a lot this week! Some days were slower than others, but that is okay :)

TUESDAY:!!!!!!!!! 3 NEW INVESTIGATORS!!!!!!!!!!! We are teahing a family of 3 that can get baptized! We were over at a members house, but the member was busy or something. Then my amazing companion said, "lets go try that reffural again" So we road our bikes over there  because it so just one street over. We snuck in the gate and knocked on the door. She answered!!! and guess what she let us in :) So we taught the mother, father and 9 year old daughter!!!! It was awesome! The mom went to the visiters center and yeah it was amazing!!!!

Wednesday: We road probaby 10 miles. Oh and we found out that our area is only 5 miles long :) It is just up hill so it seems like 20 miles while you are biking! We went and visited the older people in our ward and that is always fun! We even picked up a new investigator! she is 16 and we are so excited to get to know her!

Thursday: Planning....planning..planning!!!!!!!!!!!! We got in with my favorite Less Active named vickey :) She is in late 70's and is in a wheel chair and she is in a lot of pain :( but she is hillarious!! She told us that one time she was at the store, she stopped her wheel chair stood up and yelled, "I'm healed!" haha she always has the best jokes :)

Friday: Longest day ever!!!!!!!!! we knocked on 20-30 doors and only 3 answered.....they were all Less active or part-member families.....we late taught Troy and he is getting so excited about his mission! he is counting down the days tell he can put his papers in! He goes out with the elders almost every other day! He is awesome! Once we came home I got a package from my sister Andrea! It was addorable! It was a "train"ing package! We both loved it!!!

Saturday: kinda was one of those long days....but hey Troy's Aunt Dianna introduced us to two Potential Investigators! They live out or our mission, but we can still hand the information down :)

Sunday: We didn't have any investigaotrs come to church :( but there is always next week!! and We We do better because we are working our butts off!!!!!!! Saving California one house at a time! I love CALIFORNIA!!!! Would never come back here to live, but it is the perfect place for me for a mission!

Heavenly Father knows exactly what he is doing :) Thank you for all your prayers, support, and love :) Hope you all had a great week!!!!

Love, Sister Moore

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