Sister Moore's Address

Sister Jackie Leeann Moore
California Riverside Mission
5900 Grand Ave
Riverside, CA 92504-1328
United States 

Monday, July 20, 2015

First Week of Training :)

Wow I can't believe I can say that! This week has really gone by so fast! If you ask any missionary they will tell you: The days are long and the weeks fly by! It doesn't make sense, but hey it is the way of the Lord! I have been out 6 months and everyone also tells me that after 6 months the mission goes by like a blink!!! So pray that this time will slow down!

Tuesday: Exactly the 6 month mark! I was with Sister Bjork all day. I prayed 4 times in Spanish and everyone said I did a great job! I kinda felt like a little kid praying because Sister Bjork whispered in my ear, but it was super fun! I have learned so much from Sister Bjork in this 24 hrs! I pray that we will be able to see each other on the mission!  She is from Taylor Utah, she is half way through her mission and she is just full of energy! I love her!

Wednesday: This day I really just about died! I was getting my new companion from the MTC!!! I was so excited and all over the place! I just about lost everything including my mind! We had a trainer meeting in the morning then we ate lunch with all the new missionaries! I really had no idea who My new companion was going to be.....until after lunch....and I found out that it was Sister Mcculloch (Mu-c-ul-uk)!!!!!She is from Bancroft Idaho (probably spelt that wrong) it is by bear lake! She grew up on a farm with 2,000 acres! They raised barley, wheat, alfalfa, and beef. Yeah she knows how to work and we have gotten so much done! The more we talk the more it scares me how much we are a like! I love her!

Thursday: We went walking and talking around the neighbor hood and we talked with a lot of people! We got one return appointment (but he wasn't there :( oh well we all live and learn!) Sister Mccullock really did an amazing job and she is so ready for the work!

Dennis, Diana,Troy, Me, Sister Mcculloch

Friday: TROY GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! WHAT!!! yeah it was amazing! so this is a long story....ya'll ready for this???.........(drum roll.....) We went to fill the font at 4:30. We had dinner at 5:30 and the baptism was at 7:00. I was told that the font would only take 30-45 min to fill up. So we started filling....and filling....and 5:30 it wasn't even close!!! We call the Elders to see if they can watch it while we go to dinner. They run over ( they totally saved out butts) We ran to dinner came back and it still wasn't filled.....I was so stressed! But it's okay there was still enough water for Troy to get baptized! We turn off the water, have the talk on baptism, and Troy is walking into the font. There was only 4 Inches of water in the font....Some Idiot didn't put the plug in all the way (that Idiot was me). I felt so dumb! I couldn't believe it! We put the plug in and started filling while it was filling we had the Holy Ghost talk, and then Troy got baptized! He had to squat a little, but hey he got baptized! The Elders were such a big help! They were willing to fill up buckets and fill the font faster, but we didn't need to do that because it was such a small font. That day was just so crazy! But at the end of the day Troy got baptized and he was glowing! AWE I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK!!! He is planning on serving a mission in 1 year as well!

Saturday: was crazy as well. We went to go help this guy move...we showed up and he said that he didn't need help today, but to come back another day....what! We planned for today....oh we called a few people to see if they needed any help and we ended up at our bishop's house. Their son is getting married this week so I knew that they had a lot to do at the house. We helped in their yard for 3 hours or so and they fed us lunch. It was so nice! We were also able to teach a lot! It was so amazing! I keep praying that We will find more people to teach because I want Sister Mcculloch to have an amazing experience here! Through faith, prayers, and obedience we will be able to find people to teach!

Sunday: Was great and slow.....IT RAINED!!!! It was so amazing! I really just wanted to dance in the rain :) But We had work to do! We visited so many people it was awesome!! Most of the Less actives were busy, but we were able to get phone numbers and reschedule a better time to meet :)

I love this work! It is building my testimony so much that my heart is over flowing! I pray for all of you! I hope that all is going well! Thank you for all the love and support! I love the letters! I truly have the best family ever!

Love you all so much!!!!

Sister Moore :D

Elder Higashi and I and President Mullen Photo bombed us!! haha so funny!!! 

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